Check-in Time: 02:00 pm
Check-out Time: 12:00 noon
If your arrival is early in the day and you prefer immediate access to your room, we recommend reserving the room for the prior night to guarantee immediate access. Similarly, for late departures, reserving the room for an additional night will guarantee access until you leave the hotel. If you choose and wish not to reserve, we will be glad to store your bags and make our fitness facilities available for you to freshen up.
At Dvij Inn Jaipur, a guaranteed reservation assures you a room even if you check-in late {after 06:00pm}. A one night deposit is required for all bookings. All reservations made through the web site must be guaranteed by a credit card.
Individual Travellers Cancellations for a room reservation must be received 48 hours prior to the expected day of
Group Cancellations for a rooms reservation must be received 30 days prior to the expected day of
If cancellation of a guaranteed reservation is not received by the required date, the Dvij Inn will charge as per the hotel policy.
The following credit cards are accepted at Dvij Inn Jaipur: